23 November, 2010

Revolution: Handwriting Style

So tonight I was on Twitter, like I am every other moment of every other day, and I started "talking" to a lovely girl, Kismet, from The Unreal Bride.  We were chit chatting about packages and how great it is when we receive one.  Then, she opened up a can of worms when she said something to the effect of "I'd be happy with a letter."  And so it began....

We discussed this whole letter writing thing and I decided that I'd send her a letter. Why not?  I don't really know her.  Only started tweeting with her tonight, but what the heck?  Everyone appreciates a beautiful letter.  We decided, along with my dear friend Steph {@stephbubble}, that we're going to start a handwriting revolution.  I've aptly named the 3 of us, The Handwritten Brigade.  In an age of social media, emails, and texts, a handwritten letter is beautiful, special, and can be treasured well after the letter's arrived.

So, tomorrow I will design some special, beautiful stationery and I'm going to write a heartfelt letter to 2 girls in 2 different countries, and hope that it makes them smile. But along with that letter, I'm going to send them each a blank card.  And I'm going to ask each of them to pay it forward by handwriting a note, in that blank card, and sending it off to someone else with another blank card for that person to write their own note.  And on and on I hope it goes.

My challenge to you is that you do the same.  It only takes 5 minutes to write a note to someone you care about, even just to let them know you're thinking about them.  And when you do this, I encourage you to pay it forward.  Can we do this?

Let me know if you want to be a part of the Handwritten Brigade.

Let's do this.